11 min readJan 20, 2022

Airpay is a revolutionary app which bridges the gap between Fiat and Cryptocurrency for millions around the Globe. The AirPay app will feature a wallet, trading platform and virtual debit card. Easily allowing users to exchange their crypto holdings to Fiat and load onto the card to spend without barriers nomi.

We hosted an AMA session with AirPay Finance on 19th January.

Mr. Ramsy was the host from Crypto Miners and Mr. Ben and Mr. Matt was the guests. They shared delightful knowledge and unique features of AirPay Finance.


Segment 1️⃣: Introduction


Hello everyone 👋 and welcome to the Crypto Miners AMA session With AirPay Finance

To help us learn more about the featured project of this AMA session, we are lucky to be joined By Mr. Matt and Mr. Ben

Hi everyone🙂nice to be here

Hello everyone!! So excited to be here! 👋🏼

Hello Guys 👋

Thank you for having us!!

Wolcome here Mates
Thanks for bringing Us AirPay Finance ❤️

Thanks for having us

We have heard great things about this group ❤️


I'm pretty sure that our Community are very much excited to learn more about AirPay Finance😇

So we can’t wait for your questions guys

So let's get started if you guys are ready!!


Yes I’m ready🙂

First of all Please give us a brief explanation about 'AirPay' .What popped up in your mind to create such a platform in this Space?


With blockchain users growing at an unprecedented rate yet a real lack of options for utilising crypto as a payment source we wanted to provide a global solution to cryptocurrency holders by enabling real world transactional use for their currencies and tokens.
The AirPay app will feature a wallet, trading platform and virtual debit card
Easily allowing users to store,send,trade or even exchange their crypto holdings to Fiat and load onto the card to spend without barriers

Thanks Ben For this awesome start About AirPay 🤝

Yeah we are excited to be at this stage

Now let's see our second question from this segment...

Q2) So what are your main features and advantages that discern you from other Projects?

Like most areas in crypto there are a few projects providing similar services, we certainly don’t see this as a bad thing as it both speeds up adoption whilst providing choice and value for users
Each platform is unique in its own way, with our use of non-custodial wallets and choice of exchange we are providing a decentralised experience which gives users full control over their funds

Add to that the double rewards driven by our two token system and we have some very important advantages for customers.

Holders will receive a share of the platforms profits and we will also be working hard on partnerships with brands to obtain as many discounts and benefits as we can for users of the airpay card

Impressive 👌

Q3) How has the experience and background of your team been effective in the success of your project so far?

So far the most important aspect for us is making connections. Although this is still a very new space and extremely digital- behind all the other projects, and platforms- it is still just groups of people- so in actual fact- the experience we have in networking still works very well. We can also see how reputation is extremely important in this space- which has been something we prided ourselves on with previous non crypto projects.

We all three have significant experience in reaching out, building rapport, and creating relationships with our customers- we just didn’t expect it to still be such a vital aspect of Crypto projects- but as we are all “people persons”- we really enjoy this aspect.

Another massive help has been our family connections to the financial world- there is much red tape around financial projects such as these, with the right people to guide us- we have fairly quickly managed to open the doors needed and get some work started on the applications already.

4) Now Share us about your Native tokens, What are the some of utlities of $AIRPAY in Your Ecosystem? And if possible share to us the Tokenomics

3%-to holders in BNB
3%-to marketing
3%-platform development

Anti whale/anti snipe features
2% maximum wallet size
1% maximum transaction
4% sell premium initially

Once the platform is fully operational costs for further development and maintenance will be funded by platform, so at that point the 3% platform development will be reverted to an extra 3% in bnb rewards for holders which will make that up to 6% in rewards

Now let's move to our last question from this segment...

Q5) So how long did it take to develop this project? What plans do you have for the future? And what can we expect from AirPay Finance? If possible could you please share road map with us.

Hey - here is our road map- Ben will add some more detail

To get to this point it’s been roughly 2 years of planning and research, we all seen a real need for a platform like this so have been developing the idea to make it as simple and rewarding as we can for users, there’s been a lot of regulations and security to consider so we have also been consulting with experts in these fields and will continue to do so as we proceed

We aim to deliver the first phase of the app in Q2 and will roll it out in 3 stages
Firstly as a wallet available on iOS and Android to store various cryptos and interact with platforms such as decentralised exchanges and NFT platforms should the user wish
The next stage is the integration of the exchange, for this we will initially use a changeNOW API
After this stage we will issue virtual and physical cards onto which users will be able to load Fiat and spend on real world goods and services

Along the way we will also be getting some audits carried out
Firstly we will audit the smart contract of the token,this will be followed by stress testing and auditing of our core blockchain systems on the platform plus later when we are fully functional we will have a Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 Audit carried out

So a busy but exciting year ahead

Thanks Guys for this well detailed introduction about AirPay Finance:)

And that's the wrap up of our the first part of the AMA session ✅


Thankyou guys- great questions 👌🏼

Let’s now proceed to our Twitter Questions section

i hope you guys are ready for that!!

We are ready!!!

Let’s go🙂

Segment 2️⃣: Twitter Questions

1) Collaborations and partnerships are some of the most important cornerstones to help improve adoption. Can you tell us about your current partners, plans for partnerships and what everybody stands to gain from these partnership??

So we will be working very closely with virtual card providers who will be some of the first partnerships we seek out.

Also there are plans in place to work closely with an established exchange provider.

Beyond that- we will be partnering up and seeking affiliations with some very big and recognisable merchant names- although that is a little while away on our timeline.

The gains- will be better terms/discounts and rewards for all users.

2) As an investor, I want to know how strong is your project security system? and what benefits will a user have in the years to come when I decide to join the project you are working on right now?

So we very much recognise security is super important for anyone when it comes to financial services-especially mobile technology.

Security of assets and personal data is something we take extremely seriously so we will be working with a team of specialists in this field to ensure we are operating at the highest level of both cybersecurity and privacy frameworks whilst also complying to the appropriate ISO/IEC standards

As crypto wallets will be non-custodial,users will be in control of their private keys at all times
Fiat currencies will be stored in regulated custodian bank accounts meaning they are safeguarded and you retain ownership of those funds

3) Airpay is aiming to disclose the gap between fiat and crypto by allowing users to use their crypto to buy real world goods and service. Can you tell us how will you make it possible for AirPay to be accepted as a universal payment method?Will it be limited for eCommerce purchase?

Sure- great question

So in the background - Airpay will act as an off ramp which allows user to exchange from crypto to fiat- then this fiat balance will be loaded onto you virtual debit card. This debit card can then be used just like any current debit card- including adding it to inbuilt wallet on your mobile phone- allowing contactless payments to carried out

This process will happen quickly and seamlessly meaning for users- it takes only a few seconds to load up their cards and start using their Crypto holdings as a payment solution.

4) What are your plans so far in making Airpay the top 1 exchange and how far is the team working towards it

Can I use Airpay anywhere without restrictions?
Is it for global use?

So yes unfortunately there may be some restrictions depending on the certain country’s position on using Crypto.

However we hope to reduce these issues as we go- and our roll out plan has been specifically designed with this in mind.

In some cases we will have to apply for Financial operating license as we go- to do that we will be opening small offices in each region.

We are confident that with hard work and networking we are getting the doors we want to open- and rather than focusing on short term “hype type” promo- we are working hard on making long term and meaningful relationships with affiliated projects and communities.

Our marketing plans- we will be looking at real life advertising in public spaces and transport (where allowed legally) and we very much see ourselves as becoming competitors to the main projects out there within 3 years.

After all- we think “AirPay Arena” has a really nice ring to it 🤩

Where required- we will outsource marketing to financial specialist- to ensure we are not just cornering the crypto market- but also those traditional sectors

5) Almost 3/4 of investors are focused purely on the price of token in short term instead of understanding the real value and health of the project. Could you tell us on motivations and benefits for investors to hold your token in long term?

Here is our last question from this segment

So that again takes us back to the two token system

We will be operating a 2 token system
3% of the platform profits will be used to buyback AirPay which will then be distributed as rewards to Pair holders.
As AirPay is purchased for this purpose, the price increases and more BNB rewards are generated for AirPay holders.

We have done it this way as it benefits both sets of holders with a nice bit of passive income

So as the project grows- anyone holding- will continue to benefit for the success of the project whether they use the app, or are simply there for the token side of things

We have tried to make incentives and rewards for anyone so long as you hold some in a wallet.

Thanks Guys for Your Valuable Answers❣
And that's the end of our twitter question segment

Great questions🙂

Thankyou guys- really enjoyed those!

Now Moving on to our last segment - Live Q&A

Shall We Go Guys?

Indeed let’s do it!!

Yes we are ready!!

Here we go,

Segment 3️⃣: Live QnA
(In this segment group was opened for 60 seconds and Miners sent hundreds of questions. Guests choose some best to answer)

I want to know about you Pre_sale,, IDO etc... When and where It will start?? How i can know your Daily updates??

Presale will be 2nd weekend in Feb on Pinksale- and you will find links to the WL on our TG welcome message and it will regularly be dropped in there. Thank you

2) mr dominic:
Do you have any plan for buy -back or burn tokens to increase the price?

3% of the platform profits will be used to buyback $AirPay which will then be distributed as rewards to $Pair holders.
As $ AirPay is purchased for this purpose, the price increases and more BNB rewards are generated for $AirPay holders.

3) 𝑺𝒂𝒅 𝑸𝒖𝒆𝒆𝒏😂:
Tell us a little bit about security? Have you done an audit of the platform? Are the smart contracts error-free? What are the test results?

Yes there will certainly be an audit,more than one in fact
Firstly we will audit the smart contract of the token,this will be followed by stress testing and auditing of our core blockchain systems on the platform.
Later when we are fully functional we will have a Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 Audit carried out

4) LION:
Can you list 1-3 killer features of this project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your project has that you feel most confident about?

We wanted to make a platform which was both easy to use and as rewarding as possible for users

We feel we will achieve this by providing a one stop shop for users from on ramp,storage,trading and off ramp to use on real world goods

So the whole platform should attract many different types of users and be the killer platform everyone’s talking about

5) Are you afraid some day there will be another project with more innovative technology can replace your project????

We are all now full time with this project- and any issues with failure- we feel we identified and overcome during the planning phase.

Of course there may be challenges ahead- but when our vision is one that see us being a dominant brand in several regions- you know this is not a project we will walk away from.

We are already to dedicated to ensuring success

*This segment ends here*

Thankyou guys- so many well thought out questions

So hard to choose

Congratulations guys🙌

Great group 👏🏼

Thankyou so much Guys For your valuable answers and information about AirPay Finance,
It Was Pleasure Hosting An Ama With You Guys

Pleasure was ours guys

It’s a pleasure to be here🙂

Really enjoyed this you guys!

Time To Conclude Our AMA Section

See you later guys🙂

We Wish all the very best for Project
AirPay Finance And The Entire team behind the project 🤝❤️

Thank you kindly

yes and please feel free to drop any questions our way in our TG. Everyone is welcome 🙏🏼

Thank you guys- very appreciated

Best of luck for the future 💕

Community, if you would like to learn more about AirPay Finance, here are some useful links for you:




Medium: AirPay Finance




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