10 min readNov 10, 2021

Floki The Bean is a reward token, built on Binance Smart chain, that will be used as a currency on private content subscription platform. The adult industry generates billions $$ annually
agencies, producers, platforms, and payment providers, all demand massive fee’s and as a result creators and consumers are exploited

by utilising blockchain technology- we put the power back into the hands
of the creator’s with much more realistic rates offered to consumers.

We hosted an AMA session with Floki The Bean on 6th November at 10:00 AM UTC.

Mr. Ramsy was the host from Crypto Miners and Mr. Ricky and Stevie was our guests. They shared delightful knowledge and unique features of Floki The Bean.


Segment 1️⃣: Introduction


Hello everyone 👋 and welcome to the Crypto Miners AMA session with Floki The Bean

Thank you all for joining us today!❣

To help us learn more about the featured project of this AMA session, we are lucky to be joined By Stevie and Mr. Ricky, Welcome to our community 🤝

Thanks so much for having us,a pleasure to be here

Hey guys 👋🏼

Thank you for having us

Gald to see you guys here ,
Thanks for bringing Us Floki The Bean❤️

I’m pretty sure that our AMA participants are very much excited to learn more about Floki The Bean, so let’s get started if you’re ready!

Let’s do it!

Yes certainly🙂

Let's Go 🤝

Q1) Can you give a brief explanation about 'Floki the Bean' .What popped up in your mind to create such a platform in this space?

Sure I’ll let Ricky explain this one

Floki the bean is both an adult token and a reward token, we have a planned NSFW platform for use case, bnb rewards,an eye catching logo
We are providing a solution to high fees charged on NSFW platforms due to payment solutions and middlemen. We can reduce those costs by streamlining the process.
We also will be making charitable donations to victims of abuse and sexual assault as voted for by the community
We chose this sector as the industry is currently worth $97B and we know we can snatch up a small % initially. It’s more stable than the meme hype coin sector in general

Wow, Impressive 👏

Now Moving to our next question...

Q2) So what are your main features that discern you from other projects and what robust advantages do you have?

There are already a few adult tokens out there already but it’s a massive industry so there’s room for us all
We will be developing an NSFW platform on which 90% of the fees go directly to the content creators which means more money can go to them and more savings for consumers
The platform will be rolled out in 3stages
First will be an NFT platform with requests then we will add static content followed by cams
One feature of the NFT which will be unique to us is that if you enjoy your private session with a model- you can have it minted in VR augmented reality meaning when you chose to view that “model session” , you enter a VR where it is stored, and you can interact by walking around it, moving it, etc.

Alright, Let's go to our next one..

Q3) Can you provide an overview on how $Flkithebean is being used & its benefits of hodling?

Many adult tokens provide reflections but we wanted to improve on this by distributing 6% bnb rewards ,this means holders literally are rewarded in bnb when someone wishes to consume adult content
On the platform $flkthebean will be used for:

-Tipping the creators
-Purchase of NFTs and special content
-purchase of merch
-on platform advertising and promotion

As we build our ecosystem we will also add in benefits for those holding the mother and father coins (parent coins)

Q4) How has the experience and background of your team been effective in the success of your project so far?

We both have been in blockchain for years as investors, more recently on the Rug Muncher project ,of which Floki the Bean is an ecosystem token
We started Rug Muncher as we were fed up of rug pulls,so we wanted to create safe tokens for people to invest in
We are hard working and honest devs who love blockchain and are committed to building something that benefits everyone.

Q5) Can you share more details about the Floki the bean Tokenomics?

Well we have the 6% bnb rewards,3% goes to liquidity,1% goes to platform funding in bnb and 4% goes to marketing in bnb
The marketing being fed in bnb means no big sell offs of tokens are needed to fund this

We have a 2% maximum wallet to avoid whales and a 1% maximum transaction

We also have an initial 4% sell premium which we will bring down over time

Alright, Now moving to our last question from this segment....

Q6) So how long did it take to develop this project? What plans do you have for the future? And what can we expect from Floki the Bean? If possible could you please share road map with us.

Yes I’ll let Ricky answer and we have some visuals for the roadmap as well

We have been developing this for a long time but wanted to get Rug Muncher out first
Many small steps make a journey so we will launch,complete the road map set,increase our visibility, holders and volume, all while bnb funds the platform
We will roll out the platform in stages,each building upon the last until we achieve our full vision

Keeping with the token name we wanted the roadmap to be fun so instead of Q1,Q2 etc we have labelled these slightly differently

Haha 😹, cool roadmap

Ha ha we think so too,it’s good fun to name

Thanks we think so too!!

Thanks for that well detailed introduction about Floki The Bean🤝
That wraps up the first part of the AMA session✅

Thank you!!

Let’s now proceed to the Twitter Questions section,

I Hope you guys are ready for that!

We certainly are!!!! 😀

Yes Lookin forward to it🙂

Let's Go 🏍💨

Segment 2️⃣: Twitter Questions

Q1)When Viking power, Crypto and a $97 Billion Dollar Industry combine a warrior emerges. Currently payment solutions and platforms take huge fees from content creators. May i know how can ‘Floki the bean’ solve this issue? How can users save the high fees?

Short answer is we cut out the middle man

credit cards take high transaction fees as do many platforms

Creators end up being taking Advantage of financially - meaning they should be open to a platform that gives them much more return and control over their content

Because we will streamline the current setup the models earn more MEANING they can pass savings onto the consumer (users)

It's really usefull for Content Creators👌


Basically models get more revenue which means they can reduce their prices

Q2) By reffering through the web I came to know that the presale is starts today in Rug muncher Ecosystem. Can you explain how can i participate in the presale? Is there any conditions like holding the certain amount Rugmuncher token?

Unfortunately presale closed on the 1st Nov, and we have just yesterday distributed tokens

It was a private sale through the rug muncher launcher and we had a bot for the whitelist

There is an airdrop currently in place for all those holding 171B Rugmuncher

this is still active for anyone who wishes to participate

I will take a snapshot of the qualifying wallets for the airdrop later today🙂

As we go Rugmuncher will launch more tokens, and there will be major benefits and advantages available for those already holding Rugmuncher

We will be doing an airdrop of every token launched from there

So stay tuned

Q3)Can you list some of your key features that why should i ape in Floki the bean? As an adult token, is there any premium NSFW services you provide to the investors?

BNB rewards is the front and centre attraction

We will also have NFt requests for (quite unique) personalised content (think the more weird and wonderful that struggles to find a home)

You can request a sessions then have several images from it minted as NFT

Also- developing onto an Augmented Reality NFT service which will be the cutting edge of how users interact with nfts

Tipping will be available on the platform, also subscription basis and we will also make it that those holding FTB have an advantage and more benefits within the community

We live to reward our community- it’s a real family

Q4)On your road map, i see your title like Foreplay, Penetration, 69,etc instead of Q1,Q2, etc. its really interesting i must say. Can you explain why you thought to choose these names? Possibly when we can expect the ‘Doggy style’?

Firstly it was fun! 😃

Secondly the titles matter not so much for us - the content, the targets and more importantly- achieving them as per schedule is what is the focus

They were fun to pick and we look forward to adding more similar names as we go

We just try to create something eye catching and tie in with the brand of NSFW and’s was fun 😂

For doggy style we are hoping for q1 of 2022

Q5) How does Floki the bean handle government regulations and boundaries? And What mechanisms / strategies do you use to keep users motivated and present on your platform? What can the Floki the Bean platform guarantee or promise in terms of the security and privacy of its users?



We have real utility on the platform so the token will be classed as a utility token rather than a security

In this industry this is paramount for users. If we do not have their trust then we will not succeed, so the security and privacy element is something that we will make a really big focus. As we are not experts ourselves in building platforms, we will outsource that element to existing service providers with an established track record

Security and privacy will be a big priority of ours

With topics such as this- we recognise it’s a specialist part- and that will be outsourced or consultants brought onboard specifically

Thanks Your Valuable Answers❣
And that's enough for our twitter question segment.

Your welcome

Those were great questions

Yes some good ones🙂

Thank you. Now Moving on to our last segment - Live Q&A.

Shall We Go?

Yes let’s

Yes let’s do it!!

Segment 3️⃣: Live QnA
(In this segment group was opened for 60 seconds and miners sent hundreds of questions. Guests choose some best to answer)

1)Do you have Whitepaper if yes, please share it with as secondly do you have plans for pre-sale? Now where can we Join it?

Yes white paper can be found on our website and also within our TG as a video which is pinned- please check it out as it details steps around platform, initial wallets and project tokenomics specifics 👌🏼

2) What is your immediate plans before 2021.How are you going to do your marketing and what are the strategies you will follow?

Marketing is a big focus for us, we have a marketing wallet fed in bnb so no big token sells will be needed to fund this 🙂
We will be doing the usual marketing plus as models onboard they also market for us

3) I want to invest to your project. Where i buy your token? Is it available on any exchange?

We’ve launched and presale ended and we will be available to purchase from pancakeswap and poocoin!!

4) Do you have AUDIT certificates, or are you working to AUDIT your project, to make it more secure and reliable ?

Yes we have already done our first audit with bitrise, safety score of 96% and certifivcate can be found on our website

5) Can you tell us more about your vision and mission that your project is focusing until end of this year?

We will make the platform as user friendly as possible so as to encourage ALL levels of content creators to get onboard, from the at home amateur setups- right through to professional studios having their own dedicated channel with us. Basically if you have digital ability to record - you will be a ale to make use to our platform 👌🏼

*This segment ends here*

Congratulations guys🙂

Congratulations guys thank you so much for everyone’s questions!

Thankyou so much Guys For your valuable answers and information about Floki The Bean,
It Was a Pleasure Hosting An Ama With You.

Is there anything else you would like to share or you want us to know ?

Yes we have a great community already and welcome everyone🙂

It was a pleasure to be here with you guys today,we enjoyed it a lot

Our pleasure guys- just want to put it out there- we are also confirmed team on a large crypto battle which is coming up in Q4- currently involving over 80k TG members across several communities.

This will be a major marketing point for us and we will need a great community for the battle so please stay tuned!!!

Other than that- any questions both answered today please feel free to dm or jump in the TG

This was great 🙏🏼❤️

Thanks again guys🙋🏻‍♂️

Thank you👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼

Wish all the very best for "Floki The Bean" 🚀🚀

Community, if you would like to learn more about Floki The Bean, here are some useful links for you:


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