12 min readAug 4, 2022


Hectagon is the world’s first DAO-governed Web3 Venture Capital funding platform for everyone. Founded by Forbes-honored team with track record of 110+ investments and 1,351% portfolio ATH return. Hectagon is a combination of synergies between familiar and unfamiliar concepts to create something new entirely, and this new entity is the Decentralized Accelerated Growth Protocol (DAGP). A DAGP is a blockchain empowered protocol that systematizes the process of capturing, amplifying and distributing growth throughout its dynamic network. Hectagon plans to lead the way in bringing the Decentralized Accelerated Growth Protocol to the world — Covering our 3 Systems: Core systems, Social Systems & Utility Systems.

We hosted an AMA session with Hectagon on 28th July.

Mr. Ramsy was the host from Crypto Miners and Mr. Dwarf was the guest. He shared delightful knowledge and unique features of Hectagon.
Segment 1️⃣: Introduction

Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Hello everyone 👋 Welcome to the Crypto Miners AMA session With Hectagon

To help us learn more about Hectagon, we are lucky to be joined By Mr. Dwarf

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
Hello everyone , I am Dwarf — head of community of Hectagon — so I am very pleased when coming in AMA to day with Crypto Miners community

Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Hey there 👋

Welcome here Mate ❤️

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
Welcome you too 🤩

Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Thanks for joining us today 🤝

How are you doing today mate?

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
I am fine and very excited when coming to Crypto Miners community today to answer and give the best information for all of you 💪

Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Sounds great 🚀

I’m pretty sure that our Community is very much excited to learn more about Hectagon


So Shall we start?

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
Yeah thank you for your support

Okay , let’s go 🚀

Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
First of all Please give us a brief explanation about ‘Hectagon’. What popped up in your mind to create such a platform in this Space?

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
Hectagon Finance is the world’s first DAO-governed Web3 Venture Capital funding platform for everyone.

Founded by Forbes-honored experienced VCs and tech entrepreneurs with a proven track record of over 100 investments and growing companies up to 1,000x in valuation, we aim to solve all Web3 investment problems for retail investors and blockchain projects. Hectagon establishes an innovative investment solution that incorporates DeFi’s best practices of Treasury-backed token and Redeemable NFT, all governed by DAO model. HECTA’s holders can access seed investment opportunities with no barrier of entry, automated portfolio management system and flexible exit mechanisms.

Hectagon expects to break through the way VCs work with Web3 projects by innovating the Smart Contract Investment and Contribution Rewards system. In which, we follow anti-dumping policy by locking projects’ tokens long-term in the smart contract and reserve a large pool of tokens to reward DAO’s value contribution to the protocol and in accelerating portfolio growth.

Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Thanks Dwarf for this Cool start about Hectagon 🚀

Q2) So what are your main features and advantages that discern you from other Projects?

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
Oke thank you, that is too good question for beginning

That question is one of most I wanna to hear from your community

With main features we have 4:
Treasury Backed Token: All proceeds from public sales of Hecta token goes into the Treasury and get diversified into Stable Coin reserved
Redeemable NFTs: Holders can burn their Hecta at any time to create a redeemable NFT
Smart Contract Investment: Tokens which Hectagon invested in is locked away through the smart contract
Contribution Rewards System: 45% of Hecta tokens is reserved for contribution rewards, through multiple value- added campagins proposed and ran by DAO members

So with advantages with other projects:
Our team’s 10-year investment track record and tokenomics motivate partners and community to participate to the protocol.
1. Benefits of quality transaction pipeline:
VCs are motivated to refer Hectagon quality deals.
- Leverage Web3’s existing network and portfolio ATH return of over 1,300% (Hub Global)
- Leverage Web2 experience (advanced 200 firms, grew them to x1000 valuation) to onboard Web3 startups (VSV Capital)
2. Founders with 10 years’ experience in Asia and Silicon Valley companies
3. Immediate network of 500+ worldwide entrepreneurs, investors, and advisers; extended network of 2000.

Those may bring you confident when investing HECTA

Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Awesome 👏

Let’s move to our next question from this segment

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
Yeah I am ready 💥

Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Q3) How has the experience and background of your team been effective in the success of your project so far?

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
Founding team is the most powerful item in Hectagon and we want to public around the world with:

Hectagon’s founding team has 7 members.

In which, CEO is Mr. Linh Han who was voted by Forbes Asia as one of the 30 most successful people under 30 in Asia. He is also the Co-founder of 3 investment funds, namely Viet Nam Silicon Valley, VSC Capital and Global Hub with more than 10 years of investment experience; his portfolio numbered hundreds of companies.

2 people in charge of product development are Mr. Hieu (15 years experience of technology, Co-Founder & former CTO of Edumall) and Mr. Phuong (17 years experience of technology, former head of engineer in Tomochain)

Responsible for bringing the project to market is CGO Felicia Hoang and CMO Catie Le, they both have 10 years experience of investment, partnership & marketing.

Regarding legal issues, KYC and AML are handled by Ms. Duong.

Last but not least, our CFO — Mr. Dzung Nguyen is tokenomic advisor for 30+ blockchain projects in Viet Nam. 👨‍👨‍👧

Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
The team has great potential 👌

4) Now Share us about your Native token, What are the some of utlities of $HECTA Token in Your Ecosystem? And if possible share to us the Tokenomics

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
Yeah thank you believe in us

Token Utilities:
Supply: 50,000,000
Definition: Token distribute to founding team
Utilities: • At max supply has 25% DAO Voting power.
• Burn to convert 1:1 Hecta to sell.
• Max conversion rate is 5% of circulating Hecta.
Supply: 50,000,000
Definition: Token sold to investors in private rounds of Hectagon
Utilities: • At max supply has 25% DAO Voting power.
• Burn to convert 1:1 Hecta to sell.
• Max conversion rate is 10% of circulating Hecta.
Supply: Unlimited
Definition: Governance token, represent shares in Hectagon
Utilities:• 50% DAO voting power, increase further over time.
• Rebasing to redistribute shares in the protocol.
• Value backed by Treasury

With tokenomics, you can view on our whitepaper to make clearly:

I always remind myself, when investing something so tokenomic is priority, too great question

Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Thanks for such a clear answer

Let’s hear our last question from this segment

Q5) So how long did it take to develop this project? What plans do you have for the future? And what can we expect from Hectagon If possible could you please share road map with us.

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
Oke I am ready

In 2017, we started to research about blockchain technology and its application. Some of us started to invest into crypto in 2018, some in 2019. Until 2020, Linh Han — the CEO, launched a blockchain-focused VC fund named Hub Global, which has invested into over 20 projects with portfolio ATH return over 1,300%. After that, we generated as a team and create Hectagon

For everyone, this is the worst time of the market, but when you look at it over a year 3 years 6 years the cryptocurrency market continues to rise. For Hectagon, this is a great opportunity for real projects to develop and also a time to change people’s perspective on cryptocurrency products. In addition, this is the time to purge business projects. As for the development plan, Hectagon will continue to expand the analysis of projects to invest and develop in all aspects of technology and communication to make the Hectagon community strong

If you need more information about what we will plan in the future join our community

Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Thanks Dwarf for this well detailed introduction about Hectagon:)

And that’s the wrap up of our the first part of the AMA session ✅

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
Oke right, so first step is smoothy so next step will be amazing

Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
So let’s proceed the Twitter session

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
Oke , let’s go

Segment 2️⃣: Twitter Questions

Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
1)There are some values which Hectagon brings to project and the main are NO MORE TOKEN DUMPING RISKS AND SUSTAINABLE VALUE. So, Do you have a guarantee on this and how does these two thing works? Other than these two, what other values you bring?

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
Woah, those are priority when we make HECTAGON and I have lots of discussion about that in community

So, guarantee these two will work throughout the development of Hectagon because we have a separate vesting mechanism to avoid price-fixing funds and we have a DAO mechanism to build a project for the sake of community. dong, for investors. In addition to the two factors above, as you all know about investment knives, the benefits for individual investors are put first. That is the criteria and mission that the team will do to help Hectagon reach a new level.

Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
2)Can you list 1–3 killer features of this project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your project has that you feel most confident about?

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
That meaning maybe same with above introductory part, but I will give you different meaning for knowing excited 🤟

As with Hectagon, we conquer with 4 killer features as I showed before
Treasury Backed Token: Public purchases of Hecta tokens generate revenue for the Treasury, which is then invested in Stable Coin reserves.
Redeemable NFTs: At any time, holders can use their Hecta to create a redeemable NFT, which can be redeemed.
Smart Contract Investment: Hectagon’s tokens have been secured using a smart contract.
The Hecta Token Contribution Reward System allocates 45% of its total supply for the purpose of rewarding DAO members for their contributions through a variety of value-added campaigns.

And three competitive advantage my project has that we feel most confident about is hard experience founding team, powerful backer and advisor like as Mistletoe, HUB Global, VSV Capital, Tomochain, Sky Mavis, and the last and importance which is support from community and individual investors

Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
3)Retail investors hardly can capture benefit from Crypto growth due to the lack of value of proposition to buy seed/private sale tokens which can guarantee a user actual incomes. How will you prevent the fraud and fake platforms to get involved and being fundraised by Hectagon?

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
Oke too positive question, you invest any projects so must know after which way project will do

We have specific criterias to solve that:
- Hectagon will preliminarily review and appraise the project according to the investment strategy of the protocol, then submit it to the Investment Committee to make an investment decision (the investment strategy and IC’s membership are voted and agreed upon by the community) ).

The project comes from:
(1) Official VC Partners refer deals for Hectagon
partners are expected and highly incentivized to refer attractive projects to Hectagon. Every investment adds to their investment portfolio
(2) Community refer deals on investment portal
HECTA holders: Directly benefiting from Hectagon’s investments and functioning as a DAO, our community will share and propose potential investment opportunities
(3) Self-applied project on investment portal
Internal Research Team: A dedicated team will continuously research and generate investment opportunity leads

Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
4)HectagonFinance recently introduced new features to strengthen the ecosystem’s overall loop. Would you elaborate on these features’ standout qualities?

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
In that time, we released some features to imrove Hectagon universe

NFT Tiger Tribe marketplace: we have volume up to 1M$ in first date open, also , some investor sold NFT items more than 1k$ for 1 NFT items, and the average of NFT items is 70 USDT ( so more than 25 times HECTA public sale )
Hectagon App: we can connect KYC wallets as well as refer projects to receive HECTA tokens — this is the core value for participating investors
Hectagon Forum: a forum that allows investors to vote for events that take place and refer to events that have been and are happening, or discussions with the team are published.

Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
5)Aside from being used a rewards, I’ve found out that #hectagonfinance also has its own burning mechanism through the activities on itself. What specific activities require burning tokens on your project?

Here is our last question from Twitter

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
Burning in HECTAGON is different with other projects

We have 2 types: Minting and burning
1. Minting: 100% HECTA is minted if there’s a protocol contribution (by capital or by value contribution)
2. Burning: HECTA mints redeemable NFT when investors seek future project tokens.

Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
That’s the wind up of our twitter segment

Now Moving on to our last segment — Live Q&A

Shall We Go mate?

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
oke let’s goooo , I wanna give best for your community

Ramsy | Crypto Miners:

Segment 3️⃣: Live QnA
(In this segment group was opened for 60 seconds and Miners sent hundreds of questions. Guest choose some best to answer)

1) DR Strange:
A common problem is that nowadays most investors are only interested in initial profits and ignore long-term benefits! So can you give them some reasons why they should buy and hold HectaGon in the long term?

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
1. Indirect: Holding HECTA means you’ve indirectly invested in Hectagon’s projects (1 HECTA as a certificate represents a portion of the treasury).
2. Direct: Opportunity to participate in direct investment in projects according to each individual’s investment taste (co-investing with Hectagon), will be distributed according to Membership Tiers ranking, in which criteria decisions regarding amount of HECTA purchased, staked, and earned from protocol contributions…

2) Hoài Lĩnk 0.3:
Does Hectagon have any support for the projects that Hectagon invests in?

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
Since 45% of HECTA is dedicated to rewarding community contributions, Hectagon can leverage the power of the community and reward advisors, partners… for example:
(1) Communication, community building
(2) Consulting, consulting development strategy
(3) Integrating solutions such as wallet, listing, AMM…
(4) Use the service at a discount
(5) Network of business development partners

3) Mr Hunggg:
If Hectagon wants to give up investing in the project, what things will Hectagon do?

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
That is 3rd question because that will protect the project and against with no dump pump token

So the answer for that:
Initially, Hectagon had a thorough research team for this issue, so it is difficult for HECTAGON to abandon the project investment, because it will go against HECTAGON’s original criteria “to keep the token price stable, and long-term cooperation.” long with the project “ . In addition, investors can completely withdraw the investment, but the value will be calculated by the HECTA value at the time of withdrawal.

4) Dan:
#Hectagon now accepting applications to onboard promising projects What will be the standards that the different projects must meet in order for your application to be accepted?

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
As you know on Hectagon app, we have refer a project campaign, so at the momment if you want to refer a project , you need to give us founder information, and it will be better, when you can setup meeting for both sides

that is too great for 2 team and for you to get rewards

5) Prashant:
Can you tell me how can I buy and stake $HECTA? Do I need to have an account or KYC? Can you share the link to buy it?

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
HECTA will have TGE in 8/8/2022, so all of investor can buy token from our website and DEX but when you buy in — you will get discount and the value you buy will get directly to HECTA treasury, that will help HECTAGON will improve strong and strong . KYC event is not compulsory but giving you bonus — so let’s participate it

* This segment ends here *

Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Thankyou so much Dwarf For your valuable answers and information about Hectagon,
It Was Pleasure Hosting An Ama With You

Time To Conclude Our AMA Section

Is there anything else you would like to share or you want us to know?

Sy Hoang — Dwarf:
So thank you Ramsy and all of Crypto Miner’s admin to make this AMA succesfully, and CryptoMiner’s member to listen today

So 8/8 wil be the most important day for HECTAGON when we have TGE, also today from that day , we will open a lot of campaigns, so I think we should go to Hectagon community to join to get rewards and update any information ASAP . Thank you again for joining AMA today


Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
We Wish all the very best for Project Hectagon And The Entire team behind the project❤️🤝

Community, if you would like to learn more about Hectagon , here are some useful links for you:

Medium: Hectagon Finance





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