Myriad is a web3 layer on top of web2 social media. It is a decentralized social network that lets you follow content from conventional social media and turns any mainstream social account into a wallet you can send tips to.
It is owned by you, hosted by you, and monetized by you.
Myriad is owned by its community
Myriad is currently being built to address and foster its community. As soon as technically possible, this community, you, will own the platform through ownership of the $MYRIA token and its corresponding DAO.
We host an AMA session with MYRIAD on 15th October, 10:00 AM UTC.
Here is the recap of session if you miss it.
Mr. Ramsy from Crypto Miners community hosted this AMA and Mr. Danny, CEO of MYRIAD was guest. He shared with us a well detailed insight into the Project and Unique features of MYRIAD.
Segment 1️⃣: Introduction
Hello everyone 👋 and welcome to the Crypto Miners AMA session with Myriad. Thank you all for joining us today!❣
Thanks for having me!
To help us learn more about the featured project of this AMA session, we are lucky to be joined by Danny Jakarta CEO Of Myriad, Welcome to our community 🤝
Gald to see you here
Thanks for bringing Us Myriad❤️
I’m pretty sure that our AMA participants are very much excited to learn more about Myriad, so let’s get started if you’re ready.
Ramsy: Here’s the first question for you
1. Can you Briefly introduce the Project MYRIAD?
Myriad is a web3 social platform, that comes on the top of web2 social media.Right now, it's a platform that allows you to do several things including tipping user's posts, but also tipping posts from web2 social media. If the author of those posts aren't on Myriad yet, they can claim their tips once they've joined in and claimed their social media timeline. But of course it doesn't stop there. There are many features to comes:
- Turning your content into NFTs
- Following social media content from within Myriad
- Creating DAO managed communities
- and of course OUR METAVERSE!
- There’s a chat too, that’s just being started... it’s for a bit later but it’s gonna be awesome.Myriad is based on a dual architecture, federated for content, and blockchian-based for transaction and NFT related tech, and on the decentralized front, one of our most important guideline is to make Myriad owned by its users via its overarching DAO.
On the maker side, we're planning to keep the platform as open as possible so developers can code modules to customize Myriad in new exciting ways, or simply to turn its interface pink if so they decide :D
So basically Myriad is the Web3 transition from web2 that will be useful and fun for content creators (because monetization, NFTs and all those good things), and useful and fun for communities (because censorship resistant, federated, and community DAOs).
One little note about advertisement, we have that, too, but that’s an opt-in and that’s curated by users. So basically we’re trying to engage users to strive for quality both in content and in advertisement." So you can think about it, in a nutshell, as a user-owner social media where you can tip both native and non-native content, and turn what belongs to you into NFTs. That said, the concept is evolving, especially with the metaverse and we’re heading towards becoming a larger, more connectable platform.
Wow, thank you for sharing that information About Myriad, Now let’s move to our next question,
2. Could you please give a brief intro to the key features of MYRIAD? What are the advantages offered ?
So. There’s a lot of features to come...The killer one, is the tipping.
How is that working??
It’s already implemented. Any user can tip in stablecoin, to users on myriad, but also to content that comes from outside Myriad and can be imported. If you tip content of a someone that’s not on Myriad yet, they’ll be able to collect their tips when they join. They just have to claim their social media timeline. It’s painless and it doesn’t use SSO or API calls. Private and safe.Then there’s the NFT part. Ultimately, any kind of content you post on Myriad, you’ll be able to turn it into an NFT. Not only pictures or videos or sounds. But, say, tweets, Myriad posts, comments... Everything you create, you can own and monetize.
As for your profile, you’ll be able to turn it into a social NFT, we’re planning to do that for clout rather than for money though. Your content belongs to you, so it’s natural that you can monetize it the way you want.
Those NFTs, they're going to be compatible with the metaverse, and with the chat.
You'll access them through an inventory, make different collections like smart folders on MacOs, and... well you know, use them as you'd use NFTs :DAnd finally there's the experience.
Instead of relying on a content discovery algo, content is curated by users.
So, you can follow tags and people, put those follows into a collection we call an 'experience', and have Myriad users subscribe to it.Long terms, we plan on using an AI module to help tweak what you see if you're following a lot of experiences, but on YOUR terms.
And of course there's the metaverse and the chat. I can talk about it later, but the it's very promising.
3. Can you share the achievements the team has made so far ? what are the major achievement target Myriad is yet to achieve, If possible also share your roadmap.
Personal achievements... Well, that would be a book. If you know a publisher I’m okay for a contract, because the team has gone through hoops and has done a LOT of things prior to Myriad. I’ve personally 'fathered' the first legal music download website in Indonesia, several of us are deeply rooted in the Indonesian Blockchain ecosystem, and formerly in its tech industry. One of our teammates has written a blockchain from scratch, with a custom consensus. Two years ago.Those guys are good.
Now about Myriad, the first milestone is the new Ui. I've got it here on a new tab and I CAN'T SHOW YOU (because I want to hype it up :D ) But it's great, smooth, fast, and there's a brand new type of comment system on the posts, new ways to handle likes and dislikes, which can lead to new metrics, and more.
Then of course there’s the launch. We’re aiming for December, live on mainnet.BUT Come and try the demo right now if you want. It’s functional already. (
I want to add that we're not a team of random people behind an idea. Most of us have worked together for a while now, on many other projects, Blockchain or not.
You can find the roadmap here:
Give us a visit, say hi, fill the form :D
Alright, Now Moving to our next in this segment.
4) Could you share a bit about security and also what benefits you provide to incentives user’s choosing your Platform?
Security wise we’re going to get audited by Octupus. Or goal is to launch on the Octopus network as an appchain, and the audit is compulsory.The benefits, well there are several. There's a complex value interaction here, and I'll share a couple of pictures from our deck to not take too much time, but let's say that:
- Users get tips, can buy and sell NFTS
- MYRIA holders steer the DAO, can mint add spaces, can get land on the Metaverse (and more)
Here is the last question of introduction segment
5)Now Share us about your native token, What are the some of utlities of $MYRIA Token in Your Ecosystem? And if possible share to us the Tokenomisc of $MYRIA
Since I’ve already mentioned the utility earlier, I’ll share the tokenomics document here. I think it’s better to keep, and peruse on your own time. Brb looking for the file.
Note that it’s an updated version, our deck will be updated soon.
Thanks for that well detailed introduction about Myriad🤝
That wraps up the first part of the AMA session✅
Let’s now proceed to the Twitter Questions section, I hope you’re ready for Twitter segment!
E DOkay, It reads' READY'.
that was a terrible idea XD
Cool minded 😄
You HAVE to keep cool on a Friday evening ;)
Sure 😇,
Alright, now Moving To our first Twitter question
Q1) Myriad users have unique decentralized tools that hand sovereignty back to its users”. So could you explain a bit more about it? What does this idea give to users and what do you mean by #ExperienceCrafting ?
By @amit_rnx
Okay so.In short, sovereignty means that users really own their data and are free to do whatever possible with them.
How Myriad does that:- Your identity isn't linked to your account, your account is a tool for you to manage your content.
- Your name and profile can be minted
- All your content can be minted.Experience crafting means that you decide what you want to see. You create 'experiences', collections of tags and people, and you follow them, or you follow experiences curated by other users.
But it goes further than that. Myriad will be a federated platform, and we want to open up to any developer, so they can basically mod or develop on the top of Myriad's data and interface. So anyone can own a server with a modded or vanilla version of Myriad.
Q2) As we know that "Freedom of expression" is something hard to find in traditional social networks these days, so can you tell us how Myriad manages the freedom of expression of its users? Is there any kind of sensor that the platform installs on the user?
By @AlunaNadaIndah
Excellent question and oh so relevant.First of, owners of Myriad servers have the freedom to host or not to host. This is very important to make sure they can remain legal. But it works both ways, and it insures that server owners can host whatever they want.
Then, there isn't any overarching 'community guidelines', we leave this to two entities:
- The server owners, who'll decide what they want on their servers.
- The decentralized moderators, which will be there to make sure grossly illegal content is gone, and can help globally or per server. I won't talk too much about it, but let's say we've found a way to moderate that prevents centralisation of power, thus censorship, while remaining fair.
Moving on...
Q3) Myriad is a web3 layer on top of web2 social media. It is a decentralized social network that lets you follow content from conventional social media." Is the scope only limited to web 2.0 apps? How about social media DApps? Will they be supported as well in the future?
By @shihadk6785
What Iove with this question is that it’s captured the spirit of what we want to do.Basically we want to be able to
- Follow as much content as possible, from as many platforms as possible.
- Deliver tools to be able to use Myriad features on other platforms as well, web2 or web3.What fair here, is that you can user Myriad's data and create your own tools, your own version of the app, your own mods, if you want to. So, it's more about delivering value and tools to users and developers. And less about being like... you know, the other guys XD
Q4) Is it true that your products and services were created solely for Twitter hashtags? Do you have any plans to expand and broaden the reach of your hashtag product to include additional social media platforms such as Instagram, Reddit, and Facebook?
By @JohnMic66986478
No, it’s not true. We have a hashtag system for our platform that’s compatible with Twitter’s, but later on we want to use whatever technology is best to sort out _topics_, added to those hashtags.
This will allow users to sort through their data in an easier way, and create better, more relevant experiences.
It’s good to see this question, that also feels like a nice suggestion. Thanks!
Moving to our last question from Twitter...
Q5) When I check the website I see a interesting thing that $MYRIAD have it's own app I really like this I want more information about this app & $MYRIAD partnerships , etc.. kindly share your social medias that I want follow for more information in future...
By @Adamjoa46907411
So, heads up for everyone!We’re on our way to completely revamp our website to make it more informative.
Meanwhile you can join our group and ask questions there, too!
We’re already having partnership with two large NFT platforms, by the way. And the rest can be seen on our deck.
*All important links at the end of recap😊
Thanks Your Valuable Answers,❣
And that's enough for our twitter question segment
Moving on to our last segment - Live Q&A.
Are you ready for that?
Okay. Getting ready for the tsunami :D
*changes stance to a full guard
Live Q&A Segment:
(Group was opened for 60 seconds and miners sent hundreds of questions. Mr. Danny selected 5 questions as follows)
1st from J Mags:
Facebook can manipulate what ads and contents it wants to show to its users based on the advertiser’s influence and monetary power. The higher the contribution, the higher its frequency to air on the platform. How does Myriad solves this issue on it own social platform?
Our ad system will rest on curation and will be user-oriented. Myriad will NOT come as an intermediary to automatically select what ads to show where, because not only this practice can be abused by advertisers, users and the platform itself, but add automation can have very bad results, like showing NSFW ads in the wrong places, consequence free.
Experience curators will have the possibility to mind ad space within their experiences, to show people who subscribe to that experience.
They will be able to chose those ads based on a marketplace, and those ads will be classified by tags and topics. So as a curator, you know your audience, you know your fans, you know what’s relevant to them, and since you don’t want to lose them, you’ll choose quality stuff. As an advertiser it’s also beneficial because you’ll be picked by curators who know your audience.
2nd from Akku:
l am lnterested on your project but i have a Iittle doubt weather your platform suitable for Crypto beginners like me or is it only for professional users?
IT IS! (suitable for beginners)
Actually Myriad is the perfect introduction to crypto, and you don't have to even go that far, knowledge wise. As soon as you've created a polkadot wallet, you can start your journey. You don't even have to have a balance if you just want to use Myriad as a content reader.
Note that we’re doing our very best to make it really easy for new users to get tokens. We want to deliver a smooth transition from web2 to web3. Also, swing by our group if you have questions, we’ll help!
3rd From VMC Bose:
Is your project a global project or a local project?
Where can i buy this tokens is it listed on any exchanges? if yes please share its contract address.
Our project is global. We’ll be addressing content creators first, and we’ve got ties with Indonesia since that’s where most of us live and/or thrive. But we welcome everybody!
If you want to get some MYRIA right now, were doing our strategic round, you can request some here:
I can see that Myriad have partnered with the project "2dver . se". Could you describe the role and influence of 2dver . se into your ecosystem? How does its "web3 Social Metaverse as a Service" feature benefit Myriad
Danny: is basically an engine by (now Realitychain), and we’re using it to generate Myriad’s metaverse. We’ve taken part in the development of this engine, myself as an advisor. It benefits Myriad because right now there is more to do with online social interactions than just reading a timeline. People want to meet, do things together, create, have their own little space under the meta-sun, so we’re here to hep get that. What's interesting is that NFT and chat are meant to be fully cross-compatible, meaning that you can get your Myriad metaverse inventory on Myriad.Social, and vice-versa, conserve your chat history and friends between apps, etc...Also, the metaverse is going to be very flexible, some items will be programmable to add gameplay elements to the in-world interactions, so we're talking more than just building and showing.
There's also the fact that cross-onboarding can happen. Some people are metaverse denizens, some are social media enthusiasts, but if there's a cross section, both apps propose tools and features that are complementary.
I’m very happy to know that. You never know when you need to shine with a cool factoid! XD XD XD
Also, name and avatars will carry over... LOOK AT HOW CUTE I AM HERE!
Ramsy: 😅😅
5th from Crypto Spiderman:
The next generation of content aggregation, social media
tools must find a balance to retain scalable and manipulation-resistant qualities of algorithmic content presentation. How does MYRIAD eliminate deceptive and manipulative abuses and improve Post Quality and Spam Control?
The data which need to be the most tamper-resistant is of course minted data, and transactional data. For this, we're using blockchain nodes. For scalability, we're hosting Myriad content on federated servers. To improve post quality, we're focusing not only of incentive, but on a rather new way to manage likes, dislikes, comments and other metrics. Myriad will also, along the way, introduce a system of visibility-boosting credits, which will be non-blockchain and non-buyable, so you have to invest a limited resource if you want your post or other's to be more visible.
As for manipulation, minting is the answer. Minting will be very cheap, gas-wise so you can mint as much as you want. Also since there's no single overarching entity to just harvest and/or leak and/or manipulate your data, the risks are naturally diminished. Of course, technically we'll be taking all the necessary precautions to minimize this risk, as well.
Here’s more about our architecture.
*Third segment ends here*
Thankyou so much For your valuable answers and information about Myriad🤝,
It Was Pleasure Hosting An Ama With You ❤️
Is there anything else you would like to share or you want us to know ?
YES! Hold on.
Sure 👍
First, some of our concepts are still evolving. We’re taking community feedback really seriously, so a thing here and there might change, but what’s sure is that Myriad is for its users, and will be owned by its users. When we say "It’s your turn to own the web", we really mean it.Then I'll just, you know, be shameless, and show all our links again. Come, join, spread happiness, love, memes, make friends, all that!
And finally, a reminder that our strategic round is STILL open, even if it might not actually last long!
You can still get MYRIA here:
Once Again Thank you so much for spending time with our community & all the very best for "Myriad" 🚀🚀
Time To Conclude Our AMA Section
Thanks a lot. This AMA was great, very nice questions.
Cool mods, too.
Yayness in general.
It's our pleasure ❤️
Community, if you would like to learn more about Myriad, here are some useful links for you:
~Thank You~