Tron is a blockchain-based decentralized operating system much like Ethereum that aims to advance the decentralization of the Internet and its infrastructure. At its core, Tron is a smart contract platform that offers high throughput, high scalability, and high availability for all Decentralized Applications (DApps) in the TRON ecosystem. The Tron blockchain is built around the usability of its native token, Tronix (TRX). TRON is dedicated to accelerating the decentralization of the Internet via blockchain technology and decentralized applications (DApps). TRON hosts the largest circulating supply of stablecoins across the globe, overtaking USDT on Ethereum in April 2021. The TRON network completed full decentralization in Dec 2021 and is now a purely community-governed DAO. Using the blockchain and its decentralized smart contract capability, the idea of Tron is that users will experience a decentralized internet where “middlemen” such as Google and Facebook are not needed for users to access content. The TRON protocol runs on a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) Governance Model. This allows users to perform transactions with close to zero-fee whilst still being resistant towards transaction spam. The platform was built to create a decentralized Internet and serves as a tool for developers to create dApps, acting as an alternative to Ethereum. Anyone can create dApps on the TRON network, offer content, and in return receive digital assets as compensation for their efforts. The ability to create content and share it openly without hesitation regarding transaction fees is an undeniable advantage of TRON. TRON is a blockchain-based operating system that aims to ensure this technology is suitable for daily use. Whereas Bitcoin can handle up to six transactions per second, and Ethereum up to 25, TRON claims that its network has capacity for 2,000 TPS. TRON has positioned itself as an environment where content creators can connect with their audiences directly. By eliminating centralized platforms — whether they are streaming services, app stores or music sites — it is hoped that creators won’t end up losing as much commission to middlemen.
We hosted an AMA session with TRON on 23rd August.
Mr. Ramsy was the host from Crypto Miners and Mr. Laurent Perello, Advisor of Tron DAO was the guest. He shared us with unique betterments, developments and updates of Tron.
Segment 1️⃣: Introduction
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Hello everyone 👋 Welcome to Our #Special AMA session With Tron Dao 🔥
To help us learn more about Tron Dao, We are lucky to be joined By Mr. Laurent Perello, Advisor to Tron DAO
Hello Laurent 👋
Laurent Perello:
Hello all
Really excited to be with you
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Welcome here Mate
Thanks for bringing Us Tron 🤩
Laurent Perello:
🙏 my pleasure
it will be an amazing AMA, i’m sure about it
you will be surprised 😉
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Wow 😃
So First of Can you introduce yourself to us?
Laurent Perello:
Laurent, 49 years old
serial entrepreneur since 27 years
I had the chance to launch my first business at the really beginning of what we call now Web 1.0
Editing magazine and we were one of the first to launch an ‘online’ edition
after 8 successful years we face a huge economics crisis that killed a lot of business
We tried to resist during 1 year and half but we lost a lot of clients (they have a bankruptcy)
So the situation has been really hard (a lot of unpaid invoice from our clients)
and one day my Bank decided to stop supporting my business
I lost everything in 1mn30
Mostly 9 years of my life, all my money, my home, everything
Just 2 plastics bags and to absolute necessity to start again
so I started again the day after a new business
as a business developer for startup and big brands
I was helping them to improve their biz strategy, their costumer relationship management and their business process
Successful business again
Few years later, one day, I have been contacted by a head hunter agency looking to onboard some experts to advise big companies to adopt a crazy new innovation: cloud computing
at first I thought it was a joke and I have finally accepted
I have been trained by Google to advise and define the digital transformation strategy for these big companies and also acting as a project manager for them
we were the 10 first experts at this time to do this
it was an amazing time, the beginning of web 2.0
after few years, successful again, I decided that it wasn’t anymore what I wanted to do, how I expected to use my skills and my experience
So I decided to move to be focus on advising startups
Web 2.0 startups
I advise startups since 15 years now
and since 5 years in web 3.0
One day in 2015 a friend of mine shared a white paper, the Satoshi Nakamoto one: Bitcoin one
and this changed my life
since this day, I read it again and again, each Saturday morning, my personal ritual
I’m not a technical guy, you know
But since years I learn, each day, always and again
to understand Bitcoin WP I had to spend a lot of time
it’s a so high level concept
but at the moment I told to myself: ok, done with the technical aspect, let’s read it again as a piece of philosophy
what could it changes? how Bitcoin concept could improve our society?
our simple citizen life
so now I read it again and again and each time new purpose, new possibilities
In 2017 I started to advise web 3.0 startups
and step by step to be fully focus on web3
Since the beginning of 2022, I’m also Tron DAO advisor bringing my expertise, my experience and my energy to build an inclusive, open-minded, sustainable, multichain ecosystem
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Wow, What a exciting experience you got 🔥
Laurent Perello:
It’s all about a personal journey I think
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
So now let’s start Talk About Tron Dao, If you’re ready!!
Laurent Perello:
yes, sure
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
I’m pretty sure that our Community is waiting for it
1)Please Make a short but comprehensive introduction to TRON because we all know that what is it!!
Laurent Perello:
I am talkative 😂
so it will be hard to keep it short
to be serious, thanks again for this opportunity to talk about what Tron is all about
and trust me most of the people don’t really know what is really Tron
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Lol 😃
Laurent Perello:
still having a look to technical specs and comparing with other L1s
I use to say: it’s so 2018 😂
The White papers time
Tron was a foundation at first and has been focus on building, delivering the promise: a fast, cost effective, safe and secure smart contract L1
an alternative to Ethereum
Now 4 years later, this is done and we can say and prove that: Tron is the only real Ethereum alternative actually
and as I say, don’t trust me verify
let me explain quickly
some people are still comparing L1s by TPS and such criteria's
It can be when the blockchain is not live and constantly improving, I mean when it’s just a white paper
but when the chain is live, other criteria's matter
the number of wallets
the number of actives wallets
the number of actives wallets / last 24h
The TVL (Total value locked)
The stable liquidity available on the L1 ecosystem
and also security and availability
Tron works, simply, as all L1 should: no down time, no hack, no congestion
It works, it’s fast, secure and cheap
the reason why we can see much more stable coins transaction (and we all know here how stable coins are precious in this chaotic times, bear market)
10 times more USDT (the dominant stable coin) on Tron compared to Ethereum
this is the reality

Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Thanks Laurent for this fantastic start about TRON 🔥
Now let’s move to our second question from this segment
Laurent Perello:
and I will share much more
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Looking forward to that
Laurent Perello:
we can move to the second question, I will share precious information in my following answer 👀
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
2.How TRON is playing its role in Blockchain world? Also tell us about TRON DAO, how it work by election and Super Representatives?
Laurent Perello:
it’s two different topics
Let me quickly explain what Super Representatives is and how it works
As you may know, Tron is a Delegated proof of stake since the inception (2018)
It was the first one to be and some L1s are still trying to move to DPOS or POS
Block producers in the TRON network, also called super representatives, are elected by voting.
Any account can apply to become a super representative candidate by paying 9999 TRX and then participate in the super representative election.
Any account/wallet can vote for super representative candidates, and the top 27 candidates with the most votes become super representatives.
Super representative needs to run a TRON node to participate in block production, and will also receive block rewards and voting rewards. Voters who vote to super representatives will receive voting rewards.
this is when the magic happens and the a big competitive advantage
when you lock your token (TRX) you get some voting power
so you can vote for a SR, a SR partners or a SR candidates
as you lock your TRX you gain so some voting power and energy and bandwidth
when you make a transaction, it requires energy and bandwidth
if you don’t have energy and bandwidth so you pay in TRX
by locking 1500 trx you can get enough energy and bandwidth to do 2 transactions per day
meaning each transaction is so free of charge/fees
even more, by locking and voting, you will also get some interest (staking)
here you will find the SR lists and the reward distribution ratio you can get
it’s one of the reason mostly everybody having to do some stable coin transaction use Tron as a first choice, it’s free or mostly free
You can also use Tronlink wallet to locked, vote and stake
It’s the 1st wallet on tron with more than 10M accounts
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
I agree with you
Laurent Perello:
now, regarding: How TRON is playing its role in Blockchain world
I would say, it’s all about the ecosystem we build
Poloniex, Binance, Huobi, OKX, etc all major DEX and big actors are in
Most of them as a SR or a SR partners or candidates
why: because Tron is safe,secure, efficient, trustable and with the lowest fees
no need to claim that a L1 could support 100 000 TPS if there is only 10 000 daily active users
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
That’s correct 😃
Laurent Perello:
Regarding #StableCoin liquidity & TVL, #Tron is the only real alternative to #Ethereum still and always. All EVMs and non-EVMs L1 included
Tron Stable coin Liquidity is currently at +24% dominance of the total Market (2nd)
Just after #Ethereum 58%
Meaning that all other EVM & non-EVM together just represent 17%
#TRON is really #Tronstrong
Hard to figure out?
Don’t trust me 👀👇
Trust deffilama

Regarding TVL: #TRON is now the 2nd with +$6billions
Other EVMs and non-EVMs still have a long way to go to claim such a TVL
It will certainly come someday, but it is not yet here
One more time, don’t trust me 👀👇

What if DefiLlama would consider all #TRON protocols?
It would be over $13 billion TVL shown
#TRON is really #Tronstrong
#TRON has the largest number of wallets holding #StableCoin with a 69% dominance (+11M addresses) when #Ethereum is 2nd with 20% dominance and 3.25M addresses
#TRON is truly #tronstrong with constant growth
You shouldn't trust me, verify by yourself!

and it’s constantly fast growing
this is what Tron brings to the whole crypto ecosystem: a working product with a real huge adoption
Metrics matter more than hype
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Moving on…
3. TRON’s stablecoin USDD was issued some months ago. What are the backing securities for it to make stable and what are its features?
Laurent Perello:
the first main difference is the transparency regardy the collateralization
USDD is the last major coming on the market but has been the first one to have a such transparency
It’s not only well collaterized but over collaterized
Collat. Ratio is today at 308.5%
Yes, guys, more than 300% 🔥
it’s $ 2,306,576,393 in the reserve as collateral

one more time, don’t trust me😉
Verify 👀
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Wow that’s huge 💥
Laurent Perello:
It’s simply the reality
and how we aim to manage bringing a safe stable coin on the market
and not only on Tron, but on other chains too
for now USSD is available on ETH, BSC, BitTorrent Chain, Arbitrum and Tron
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
So holder do not need to worry about depegg
Laurent Perello:
more L1 are coming soon
some people tried to short 😂
thanks to them Liquidity providers earned a lot of transactions fees
USDD is backed by Tron Dao reserve
It’s not onlty tron Dao it’s also Tier 1 partners
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
That’s nice 😄
Laurent Perello:
and we are onboarding more and more partners

Tron is much more than just a top L1, it’s one of the most strong, dynamic and trustable ecosystem 😉
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
4)Now Can you Tell us about the #sTRONgerTogetherChallenge !!
Laurent Perello:
#sTRONgerTogetherChallenge has started as a simple idea less than 3 weeks ago
I spend a lot of time on a daily basis to help the projects from our ecosystem and also to onboard new ones, including some built on other L1s who want to migrate or having a multichain strategy
I constantly repeat that we have to cooperate
It’s not about a competition but all about collaboration
The first main goal is to demonstrate the powerful ‘Together’ effect
Showing to the whole Crypto industry how the Tron and BitTorrent ecosystem are strong
it’s also giving back to the TRON community what the community gives us each day
Highlighting Tron OG projects and those who are joining us
Showing how projects help each other in our ecosystem (we are really supportive, open-minded and inclusive)
confirming our long-term commitment, whatever the market situation, bear or bull, and our determination to keep on building, every day
Engaging our respective community to support and collaborate with other ones (participating project communities)
so I have proposed to some projects to join thinking that we will be 5 to 7
doing a one week event as a proof of concept
finally we are +40 projects in
and we have launched this challenge one week ago
with a daily challenge/airdrop
more than $15k for the whole challenge
each day it’s between 350 up to 700$ to win
each day we highlight one project
we have published a press release and several crypto media made an article about it
it’s the first time that a L1 ecosystem launch a such campaign/initiative
a lot of projects (from others L1s) each day contact me to know how to join Tron
This is the challenge of the day for example
we see a impressive engagement from all projects and from the community
you are welcome guys
come, join, learn more about the Tron and BitTorrent ecosystem and have some fun with us
here 1=1, one human = one human and that’s it
we are already working on a season 2 (launch in October certainly)
100 projects/100 days
it will be unique, exciting and contribute to make the difference
this is also what Tron is all about
smart, committed, trustable people
a big family
with no borders
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
That’s the reason people choosing #Tron ❤️
Laurent Perello:
at the end of the day, they will all join
it’s not a promise anymore, it’s a reality
up to each one and to every one to join and contribute
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Lastly, What TRON achieved so far and what important updates and developments we’ll get in coming months in TRON ecosystem?
Laurent Perello:
Tron deliver the initial promise (white paper)
we keep building day by day
TRON ecosystem has set itself a 10-year roadmap:
Exudos 2017.8~2018.12
Odyssey 2019.1~2020.6
Great Voyage 2020.7~2021.7
Apollo 2021.8~2023.3
Star Trek 2023.4~2025.9
Eternity 2025.4~2027.9
we know what we want to build
we don’t care about hype, bear or bull market, we have a long term strategy and we realize it
we have a clear & transparent roadmap
everything is public
we continue to welcome new projects and to support them
we have launch our GrandHackathon early this year
the season 2 has just closed
more than 200 projects have joined
with some really being promising
like the Real Metaverse (Neotech) or decentralized email and dChat (4thTech)
you can learn more here
we also have launched recently a grants program
for community, developers and influencers
we are building one of the most active, successful and long term vision oriented ecosystem
Tron Time is now
if you want to get the last update, just follow
and if you want to take part in the sTRONgerTogetherChallenge, just follow me
You are all welcome
Together is much more than a magic word 💪🔥
to close this topic, we will launch our GrandHackathon Season 3 in September and will renew this in 2023 and 2024 at least
so you can see, we have a long term vision
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Thanks Laurent for this well detailed introduction about Tron Ecosystem 🔥
And that’s the wrap up of our the first part of the AMA session ✅
Laurent Perello:
thankou for such a great opportunity
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Most Welcome ❤️
Let’s now proceed to our Twitter Questions section
i hope you’re ready for that!!
Laurent Perello:
let’s go
Segment 2️⃣: Twitter Questions
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
1)How does TRON DAO make it easier for the average user to gain exposure to the cryptocurrency market by making equal access to financial services a fundamental human right?
Laurent Perello:
at first it’s all about security and no fees or really low fees
how can a L1 can expect to onboard each one, most of them doing low amount transaction when you have to pay sometimes more fees than what you want to transfer?
we aim to decentralized the web and the world
so we do it
it’s accessible to all
each and every one
you will have access to a huge stablecoin liquidity
to trustable DEX as or
you can stake your stake or farm on
and you can use a huge number of wallets
and with USDD we offer even more financial opportunity
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
2)TRON is dedicated to building the infrastructure for a truly decentralized internet. But can TRON solve the problems of scalability, security and transaction speed? What decentralized tools would you use to achieve this?
Laurent Perello:
I say it again, TPS is not an accurate indicator for a L1
All that matter is does it works properly as it should
And for Tron the answer is yes, yes, yes
numbers are talking
but this does not mean that we are not working on improving
our 10 years roadmap is set since 2018 and we plan to bring some amazing new features and improving scalability
as I said Tron is certainly one of the rare really safe L1
no hack since the beginning (yes read it again) 😉
and knowing that since early 2022 BitTorrent is acting as a L2 with a high level security, even more cheaper and bigger TPS everything is ready to scale at a massive level
BitTorrent chain brings also its bridge
so now it’s really easy to port a dApp or a smart contract build on ETH for ex on both BitTorrent chain, Tron BSC, Heko and soon much more L1
we have clearly a multichain approach and we want to contribute to facilities this for all users
if you want to learn more
BTT offers also an alternative to IPFS with BTFS (BitTorrent File system)
knowing that BitTorrent P2P client is still used by more than 150M users on a daily basis
this is also what the Tron ecosystem is
we have also several nft marketplace supporting Tron and BTT
and few ones coming in the next few months
as I told you our ecosystem is growing fast, constantly and in a sustainable way
no fear, no fomo, no bear or bull stuff
we keep building
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
That’s the wind up of our twitter segment
Now Moving on to our last segment — Live Q&A
Shall we Mate?
Laurent Perello:
yes for sure
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
lets see it then
Segment 3️⃣: Live QnA
(In this segment group was opened for 60 seconds and Miners sent hundreds of questions. Guest choose some best to answer)
1) Orhan 🔺| 🔶 | ⋈:
After the LUNA-UST events, the perspective of investors towards stable coins changed and they started to direct their investments elsewhere. What kind of work do you do as the TRON-USDD team to change the perspective of investors towards stable coins?
Laurent Perello:
excellent question
it’s all about transparency and a smart roadmap
we control the liquidity with a strong mechanism
The USDD protocol aims to provide the blockchain industry with the most stable, decentralized, tamper-proof, and freeze-free stablecoin system, a perpetual system independent from any centralized entity.
USDD is secured by the over-collateralization of multiple mainstream digital assets (e.g. TRX, BTC, and USDT). The total value of collateralized assets is significantly higher than that of USDD in circulation with the collateral ratio set at 130%, far exceeding the 120% required for DAI.
for now as I said it’s 308.33% collaterized
USDD is Chain-Agnostic
USDD circulates on TRON, Ethereum, BSC, and other networks via the cross-chain protocol BitTorrent Chain. Similar to TRC20-USDT, it caters to users’ needs by offering them a fast and affordable experience on TRON.

just have a look to the first Tron Dao Reserve members and you will see that leading actors are joining
and it’s just a beginning
find the USDD roadmap here
the plan is clear and public
2) Itz Abhi ⚡️ :
Recently, Tron DAO announced a new grant program for eligible community ambassadors, How can we become eligible community ambassador? also How can we apply for a part of the quarterly allocation? Where can we find more details about it?
Laurent Perello:
as I said we have just launch the grants program
3 trancks
everyone can apply with a strong project here

3) Esra:
Problem in #Tron is many mining scams by using $TRON name it is the thing leads in every one not to hold Tron when they get scammed. If any one got scammed they forget Tron name. How can u help people not to get scammed from such fraud mining??
Laurent Perello:
we are not the Police
we prevent and inform people as we can
There is no mining on Tron
But still some people try to scam others with such things
Scammers are scammers
We educate our community in all our social channel and share scam alerts on our TG groups
each one should make some research before falling in huge potential insane gains
when it’s to big it’s always a scam
*This segment ends here*
Laurent Perello:
Guys you are amazing
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Thankyou so much Laurent For your valuable answers and information about Tron Ecosystem ❤️
Laurent Perello:
I hope it has been valuable
I always do my best, simply
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
It Was Pleasure Hosting An Ama With You
Laurent Perello:
What a pleasure guys to share with you
I’m sure that we will engage a long term collaboration with Crypto Miners soon
Take care, escape scam and feel free to join us
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Glad to know that 😍
Laurent Perello:
Let’s keep building together
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Time To Conclude Our AMA Section
Laurent Perello:
see you soon guys
Ramsy | Crypto Miners:
Have a nice day Laurent 🥂
Learn more about Tron here:
Medium: TRON DAO