EasyFi Network: #EasyFiBlend goes Meta with Trace Network and New Staking Programs

4 min readMay 12, 2022


About EasyFi:

EasyFi is a universal layer 2 lending protocol built for DeFi focused on scalability, composability, and adoption. It has been designed as an open network infrastructure to run on public networks to facilitate an end to end lending & borrowing of digital assets and related financial products. EasyFi Network is a universal layer-2 multi-chain money market protocol for digital assets with focus on liquidity sourcing & capital efficiency for structured lending in a non-custodial manner. The Protocol is currently live on Polygon, Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum.

🔥 EasyFi Blend Goes Meta with $TRACE

EasyFi is taking BLEND to a metaversical level with Meta-Token $TRACE..

EasyFi welcome Trace Network Labs to the #EasyFiBLEND ecosystem with an exclusive “Stake $TRACE — Earn $TRACE” Fixed Rewards Staking Program on Polygon Network

The $TRACE Program Details will be updated shortly — Please stay tuned

Read here: https://bit.ly/EasyFi-BLEND-TRACE

🔥 New EasyFi Blend Program

EasyFi back with another “Fixed & Predictable Rewards Staking Program” on EasyFiBlend.

🔅 Happy to onboard Cryption Network on the BLEND initiative with a “Stake $CNT — Earn $CNT “ 90-day program started from 22 Apr 2022.

The $CNT Program has been configured as follows:

👉 Program: Stake $CNT — Earn $CNT
👉 Network: Polygon
👉 Max Duration: 90 Days
👉 Lock-in Period: 30 Days
👉 Token Unlocking: As per Polygon Blocks (Ref Blog)
👉 Start Date: 22 Apr 2022, Friday
👉 End Date: 30 Jun 2022, Thursday
👉 Fixed APR: 25%
👉 Maximum Pool Size: 6.5M $CNT Tokens
👉 Link to Get Started: https://app.easyfi.network/#/blend

Read Article: https://bit.ly/EasyFiBlend-CNT


➖ EasyFi Blend Expands to Binance Smart Chain

EasyFi expands BLEND to Binance Smart Chain & extends the reach of “Fixed & Predictable” passive income opportunities for all the users & projects on the network..

This expansion aligns with Roadmap 2022 vision of expansion to other blockchain networks..

❇️ What’s in it for BSC Users?

- Avail new Fixed passive income opportunities on #BSC
- Fixed APRs on all programs
- Committed Yields

❇️ What’s in it for BSC Projects?

- Create own native token fixed APR staking programs with ease
- No need to develop own Fixed APR staking contracts or UI/UX
- NO COST for setting this up
- Simply configure parameters e.g. Duration, APRs & some more..
- Fix a date and get started…

Learn more: Here


➖ Stake $MYNE — Earn $MYNE on #EasyFiBLEND

The Blend program with ITSMYNE has gone Live. Itsmyne has allocated 300,000 $MYNE reward tokens for the 60-day staking period🔥

This brings an AMAZING passive income opportunity (https://bit.ly/FixedPassiveIncome) with fixed rewards for users on BSC and HODLing MYNE!

❇️ Program Details

🔅 Program: Stake $MYNE — Earn $MYNE
🔅 Network: Binance Smart Chain
🔅 Fixed APR: 24.33%
🔅 Session Duration: 60 Days
🔅 Lock-in Period: 30 Days
🔅 Start Date: 2 May 2022, Monday
🔅 End Date: 1 Jul 2022, Tuesday
🔅 Maximum Pool Size: 7.5M $MYNE Tokens
🔅 Token Unlocking: As per BSC Blocks (Ref Blog)

Read here: https://bit.ly/EasyFiBLEND-MYNE

🔥 EasyFi Hosted AMA of Founder & CEO of Cryption Network

EasyFi Network hosted Mr. Tejas, Founder & CEO Cryption Network in an AMA on EasyFi Main Official Telegram Group.

They discussed Cryption as a project, their roadmap, our collaboration on EasyFiBLEND & more on 27th April.

➖ Bitkeep Wallet Hosted EasyFi Network in an AMA

Team EasyFi was in an AMA with BitKeep on 6th May at 1 PM UTC, to discuss MetaFi, EasyFi’s foray into Finance for the Metaverse, EasyFiBlend and more…

💰 $100 in $EZ was given away in this Learn & Earn AMA.

➖ Twitter Spaces at the Polygon Consensus Roundtable on the BitKeep Twitter

Team Easyfi Network at the Polygon Consensus Roundtable on the BitKeep Twitter Spaces discussed the Challenges and Opportunities in Web 3.0.

EasyFi joined by teams from Pegaxy NFT , Symbiosis Finance & Foresight Ventures in an exciting conversation on 11th May.

✅ Listen here: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1BdGYwoongQxX




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